The Paint Facts

5 Reasons Why Drywall Mud Peeling When Painted

You already completed the drywall project and applied paint over it. But later, you see the drywall mud start peeling. Are you confused about why this happened and how to fix it? 

Most of the time, the drywall mud peeling reason before applying mud, you didn’t prepare the surface properly. Another reason is before drying the mud completely, you apply paint.

In this article, I will explain the most common reason for drywall mud peeling and how to fix it.

How to fix drywall mud peeling when painted

After starting drywall mud peeling, you must take the proper step as soon as possible. Otherwise, it can be a big problem for your wall. You can follow the step below.

Step 1. Remove all compounds from the wall surface

Mud peeling means that mud does not stick properly on the wall. So you cannot work on the compound surface. Mark the area in which places are affected. For short area, take a knife and cut the effaced area. Then take 150 grit sandpaper, and sand all the surfaces of the affected areas. Remove the affected compound properly. 

Step 2. Prepare new compound mud

Now you have to prepare the mud properly. Choose the best quality premixed compound for work. For making mud, you can follow a trick. First, take the full compound in a bucket. Put 100ml water for one kg compound. Mix all together with a grill mixer. If you see the compound needs more water, apply more than 25ml and mix it again. Apply this same method again and again until the compound mud is ready. 

If accidentally it is too watery, apply extra compound to fix it.

Step 3. Apply compound mud

Use a putty knife to apply mud. Take some mud on the knife and apply the sand surface. Apply the mud and level it properly with the putty knife. After completely applying mud, give it time to dry. Give it a long time to dry properly.

You can check this article where I explain how to apply compound mud with sprayer.

Step 4. Sand compound surface

After drying the compound completely, time for lite sand. Be careful not to do it heavily. Heavy sand can remove the compound. For light sand, the surface will be smooth, and it will be ideal for painting.

Step 5. Apply paint

Now time to apply paint. Take your wall matching color paint and apply the mud compound surface. Don’t panic. It will be a little darker when you paint the color because it is wet. After drying the paint, the color will match your wall color. 

After drying the first coat of paint, apply the second coat for the best color result.

I hope now your problem is solved!

5 common reasons drywall mud peeling

Mud peeling is annoying staff for any house. When it starts to happen, it’s slowly affected the entire wall and heavily damages the house’s looks. The following reasons are mainly responsible for the issue.

1. Not make the surface properly before applying mud

Preparing the surface is a very important part of applying the mud. Generally, old wall surfaces are covered with old dust, past peeling paint, soot, etc. 

If you do not clear those properly before applying the mud, it will weaken the mud’s surface.

So after the dry mud, it will not get enough friction to stay on the wall surface. As a result, the mud will start peeling. And very soon, it will affect the entire wall.

2. Cheap compound

The compound is the major material of the project. In the market, there are a lot of options for compounds.

If you choose the very cheaper one, it has a high chance of affecting your project.

I always suggest going to an expert and advising on the best compound for your project. Or alternative option, go online and read many buying guides about choosing the best compound and then choose your best one. It will help you to save a lot of time and money.

You can check the article where I describe how drywall mud can use on past painted wall.

3. Poor application

Poor application is a common issue if you are a beginner. You do this very first time and make many mistakes, like not preparing the surface properly, applying mud with the wrong method and time, and so on.

Before doing the project, try to learn basic staff, and if possible, try some practice. 

4. The mud and water ratio was not ok.

Right water and mud ratio is one of the most important factors. The compound mud and water ratio should be for 5 kg compound for 500ml to 900ml of water. If the mud is too watery or not mixed with enough water, the mud should not be long-lasting and workable. 

5. Weather issue

This project should be done on a sunny day. Temperature 10 degrees Celsius to 32 degrees Celsius is best for the application. 

If you go to the project in very cold or hot temperatures, it will not be a successful project. Also, it will take a long time to dry for cold temperatures. 

You can check if drywall joints showing through paint, what should you do.


I hope now you know why drywall mud can be peeling when painted. Also, you know how to fix it and which things should be considered before applying mud. 

If you think this article is helpful, share it with your family and friends; maybe it can help them. 

About the Author

Shojib Hoq

My name is Shojib, and painting has been my passion since childhood, and it still holds a special place in my heart. I absolutely adore the process of painting, pouring, and creating crafts.