Forgot To Prime Drywall Before Painting? 4 Facts You Need To Know
You completed your drywall paint project. Now you utilize that you forget to prime before paint. Now you are thinking a lot about it, will it be a future issue?
Forget to prime drywall before painting?
If you completed drywall prime on a clean drywall surface, and the drywall paint is not affected by any issue, you do not need to do anything. But if you see your paint is peeling or other issues, you have to remove the paint and again prepare the surface with prime for a new painting.
If you don’t use a primer before painting, make sure to use 2 or more coats of paint on the painted surface. This trick can help you avoid future issues.
In this article, I will explain 4 important facts which you should know about prime drywall.
1. Is it necessary to prime drywall before painting
Yes, it is quite necessary to prime drywall before painting. The drywall surface is always not ready for painting directly because of its surface.
Prime fills every unfinished drywall area and makes it ready for painting. Also, paint additions are not good as premier in drywall. So using a primer and then painting the project will be long-lasting and save future paint peeling issues.
I already describe is primer to be used on painted walls in other article, you can check.
2. What happens if you don’t use a primer before painting drywall
Prime drywall is a very important part of paint drywall. You should not skip this part.
If you don’t use prime before painting, the following problems can happen.
Chance peeling paint: I already tell you the paint has very low addition ability. It cannot stay for a long time on unfinished drywall surfaces.
Paint is costly: Compared with good drywall primer vs good paint, paint is more costly than a primer. If you don’t use primer, you have to use 3 or maybe more coats of paint for the same work. So you have spent more money.
Weather issue: there are very high chances of affecting drywall with weather conditions. Too cold or hot is very bad for any type of paint. But primers come to deal with these. Also, the premier protects drywall against sweating in very high humidity conditions.
Hard to get the right color: primer deals with a very important part of achieving the right color. If the drywall surface is a darker color, you cannot achieve the right sheen without priming with low-quality paint.
3. Before and after primed drywall
Now, you can ask: how is the surface before and after drywall is primed?
After the prime drywall surface, it is completely ready to go to paint. You can easily get the right sheen that you want. The prime is also adhesive on the drywall properly, so there is a very low chance of peeling in the future. As well as, the premier surface is bad weather resistant. You will get all the features at a cheap cost.
On the other hand, alone, drywall comes with an unfinished surface. It is not ready for painting. It has many joints that must be fixed before the prime or paint.
I already describe more how to cover joints before prime or paint, you can check.
4. Does primer smooth drywall
Drywall is an unfinished surface, and primer makes the surface smooth and ready for paint. After applying two or more thin coats, the surface will be properly smooth.
However, it would be best to have light sand on the dry primer surface to make it properly smooth.
If you forget to prime drywall before paint, don’t panic. Still, it can survive. Apply an extra coat of paint on the printed surface.
I hope now you get the answer. Feel free to share this article with your friends and family. Maybe it can also help them.