Drywall joints showing through paint – 6 killer ways to cover it
You complete your drywall project and paint it. You thought the project was complete, but you detect drywall joints showing through the paint very soon. Now, are you thinking if it can be fixed?
The drywall joint shows the main reason is your painting or priming is not ok. I always highly recommend applying a level 5 priming project for drywall. Another method you can use is two or more coats of paint on drywall.
In this article, I will explain how you can cover the drywall joints showing through the paint.
Will primer cover drywall joints
Paint premier comes for ready drywall surface before painting. Because the drywall surface is not built-in ready for paint directly.
Premier should cover drywall joints. But it does not always work if the joint has too much gap. It needed tape or compound mud to fill the gap at that time. After applying these to drywall joints, time to cover up with premier.
How to fix drywall joints showing through the paint
You do not need a very hard task to fix this issue. You can easily fix it by following some steps.
Step 1. Detect the problem area
As a primary step, you need to detect the problem’s area. And mark the area.
Do it properly; as a result, you can determine how much material you need for this project.
Step 2. Ready joint compound
Take the compound in a paint tray. Compound mud should be thin.
For 1 kg premixed compound, take 50 ml water at once, then mix it properly.
If you see the compound is not thin, apply 50 ml of water again. Until compound the proper thin, your same process again and again.
Note: The compound should not be too watery. If you accidentally apply mass water, use a few more compounds to fix the water issue.
I already explain how to spray compound mud with sprayer. Also, I have one more article where I provide tips about how the drywall primer can be used on painted wall.
Step 3. Apply the compound
Take a putty knife, and apply compound with a knife to the affected area. The affected areas should be covered with the compound.
It would help if you had little practice using a putty knife. The putty knife size should be 7 cm+.
After applying the compound, give it some time to dry properly.
Step 4. The sand of the compound area
Take 150 grit sandpaper and light sand on the compound surface.
Don’t sand heavily. If you do it, the compound surface will be removed. You cannot go to the next step.
Step 5. Apply paint
Now time to apply paint. Use the same paint which you used on the wall before.
Apply a thin paint coat. You will see new paint darker than past paint walls. Don’t worry! This darker color will go when the paint will be dry. Give it some time or dry.
Step 6. Apply second paint coat
After drying the first coat of paint, apply the second coat again. Follow the same method that you use in the first coat.
After the paint of the 2nd coat is dry, I hope your problem will be fixed. If you think you need one more color of coat, apply it.
8 creative ways to cover drywall joints without compound mud
I have already described how you can fix drywall joints that show through the paint. I will give you some creative ideas that will make your drywall look more premium and eye-catching.
1. Wallpaper
Wallpaper is the very best method for covering any type of drywall mistake. It is a pretty good solution as well as it is a very inexpensive solution.
You can find unlimited design, color, style, and more. You can cover the entire wall with wallpaper.
You will find it near the market; even you can order new designs of your interest.
2. Decorative Wall Plaques
It is a craft work showpiece made with wood, resin, metal, plastic, and so on.
It easily covers your drywall mistake, plus adds extra creative beauty to your home.
You can very easily install it on your wall, and it will be long-lasting, which will cover your drywall problem for a long time.
3. Use wall Stickers
Wall stickers are one of the beautiful methods. There are many different types of wall stickers for use in different rooms like the dining room, living room, reading room, kid room, etc.
Also, the sticker can contain different types of messages, for example, motivational, childhood memory, nature, beauty, etc.
Stickers stay for a long time and cover up your drywall mistake.
4. Use wall clocks
You can use a wall clock if you want to cover driver problems for a short area. There is no need to say the benefits of wall clocks.
Wall clocks make your wall beautiful 2x times. Also, you can always be careful about what time it is.
There are a lot of colors, styles, brands, sizes, and price wall clocks in the market. You can choose one which suits your wall.
5. Use Picture Frame
You can use picture frames to cover the area if the problem is in one wall in different places.
You can find different types of artists work in the market. Choose which you like. Cover with picture frames. Showcase on the wall.
6. Use Curtains
If drywall issues besides windows or doors, you can use curtains. It’s not only for the issues but also to make your window or door look pretty beautiful.
You can use curtains matching your wall color, which is the best color pattern for your curtains.
It would help if you always washed the curtain regularly because dust and other waste come into the room through the door and window. By following the tips, you will not lose the beauty of the curtains very soon.
I hope now you know what you should do if drywall joints show through the paint. I also describe some creative ways which you can apply to hide the drywall issue.
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