bob ross

Odorless Paint Thinner Vs Turpentine: What Is the Difference?
Odorless paint thinner and turpentine all are solvents. Regularly those used for paint thinning and cleaning paint brushes. But the main difference is odorless paint thinner is safe for regular use. On the other hand, turpentine is a toxic chemical for regular use. There are more differences between them, for example, smell, flammability, evaporation, cost, […]

What odorless paint thinner does Bob Ross use?
In the ‘Joy of Painting,’ Bob Ross uses his own brand Bob Ross odorless paint thinner. The paint thinner he uses to make the paint thin and clean the brush and equipment. In another article, I already explained how he uses paint thinner for brush cleaning. In this article, I will explain the following: Bob […]

What Type of Painting Knife Does Bob Ross Use?
In the ‘Joy of Painting,’ Bob Ross frequently uses 2 types of palette knives. In This article, I will explain the following: Bob Ross palette knife and alternative Paint Knife Grade Note Martin/F. Weber Bob Ross Number10 Standard Painting Knife Artistic & Bob Ross brand Large knife. Great knife for painting big objects like rocks, […]

Which palette does bob ross use?
Bob Ross uses a clear acrylic palette specially designed for Bob Ross. The palette is huge but easy to handle. Very easy to take a lot of color on one palette, which is especially great for landscape painting. In this article, I will explain Bob ross palette and alternative? Palette Grade Note MARTIN RU-BR6000 (RPP) […]

Liquid White Vs Titanium White: What Is the Difference?
The primary difference between liquid white and titanium white is the 2 materials are different products, and the application method is different. Liquid white is used as base coat, and titanium white is used as paint. However, the 2 products are built with the same material. These are pigment white titanium and pigment white zinc. […]

Liquid White Vs Gesso: What Is the Difference?
The main difference between liquid white and gesso is how it is used. Gesso applies very first on the canvas, creating a chalk texture effect, making it ready to accept paint. And liquid white is applied to make the canvas wet, increasing the dry time of oil painting, which is very important for wet on […]

Do You Need Liquid Clear for Bob Ross Technique?
Liquid clear is one type of base medium. It is used for different reasons. Some important reasons are: So following the mentioned points, you need liquid clear. In other articles, I already explained: Which liquid clear does Bob ross use? Alternative? Grade Note Bob Ross Liquid Clear Artistic and Bob Ross brand Bob Ross […]

What Does Bob Ross Use as a Base Coat?
Bob Ross uses liquid white as a base coat on the gesso primer surface. Because using liquid white there has a lot of awesome advantages, and some main advantages are: In other articles, I already explained: Which liquid white does Bob Ross use? Grade Note Bob Ross Liquid White Artistic Grade Bob ross use this […]

What does Bob Ross use to prime his canvas?
Very beginning, Bob Ross prime his canvas. For priming canvas Bob Ross uses gesso. He uses 2 or 3 layers of gesso to ensure the canvas is properly ready. In this article, I will explain the following: In other articles I already explained the: What does Bob Ross use gesso for? Alternative? Bob Ross uses […]

Which Medium Does Bob Ross Use? Good Alternative?
Bob Ross uses 4 types of medium in his painting. In the beginning, he uses white gesso for canvas preparation, next he uses liquid white or black to make the canvas surface wet. And while painting, he mixes liquid clear or paints thinner in oil paint to achieve proper flow and thickness. Also, he uses […]