What Type of Painting Knife Does Bob Ross Use?

In the ‘Joy of Painting,’ Bob Ross frequently uses 2 types of palette knives. 

  1. Bob Ross number 10, known as a large painting knife 
  2. Bob Ross number 5 is known as a detail painting knife.

In This article, I will explain the following:

  • Bob Ross palette knife and alternative 
  • Bob Ross palette knives pros and cons
  • Are they worthy? 

Bob Ross palette knife and alternative

Paint Knife Grade Note 
Martin/F. Weber Bob Ross Number10 Standard Painting KnifeArtistic & Bob Ross brand Large knife. Great knife for painting big objects like rocks, cliffs, mountains, and big things covering many areas.
Martin/ F. Weber Bob Ross #5 Detail Painting KnifeArtistic & Bob Ross brand Short knife. This knife is used for painting details and where the big paint knife can not reach properly.
Repino Painting Knife Set of 2Student Great alternative for beginners. The top edge is not sharp, which is good for beginners.

Bob Ross number 10 or large painting knife

This is a great knife for painting big objects like rocks, cliffs, mountains, and big things covering many areas. At the top, it has 2 edges.

  1. Big edge: It is used to create the big objects I already mentioned. You also use the edge to create nice snow on the mountain.
  2. Little edge: This area is used for scratching and adds extra details. 

Bob Ross number 5 or detail painting knife

This knife is used for painting details and where the big paint knife can not reach properly. Like background mountains, shadows, clouds, highlights small things. The knife also has 2 edges on top. Big edge and a little edge. Almost the same method applies as the big painting knife.

What are the pros of Bob Ross painting knives?

  1. Flexibility: These knives are made from stainless steel, which is pretty flexible. The flexibility helps you blend different colors in a palette, especially when you scrape the paint. Also, it makes easier to apply paint on a canvas. 
  2. Handle: The round handle looks very premium with the Bob Ross signature. Also, it is very comfortable to grab. It is slowly thin to thick from upper to bottom, and this shape perfectly fits in your hand.
  3. Blanched: The balance is pretty good. You can apply paint with good archery.

What are the cons of Bob Ross painting knives?

  1. Sharpness: Sharpness is an important part of paint knives because it is a knife. But the sharpness is not beginner friendly. Most beginners break paint using the Bob Ross knife. For a beginner, I always recommend using a sharpless knife. One I already mentioned. 

Are Bob Ross knives worthy?

These are the greatest paint knives on the market. It looks very premium with Bob Ross’s signature, flexible, easy to handle and grab. So choosing the knife will be a worthy decision.

But you are very new to painting knives, the sharpness can be difficult for you. So I have chosen an alternative for you. However, if you want to achieve the sharp knife technique from the beginning, choose the Bob Ross knife and start your adventure. 

What should you check before buying an alternative Bob Ross painting knife?

There are a lot of knife markets. However, for Bob Ross’s painting technique, knives are recommended. You should check some important features.

  • Good flexibility steel.
  • Comfortable handle.
  • Professionals should choose sharp edges and beginner sharpless edges. 
About the Author

Shojib Hoq

My name is Shojib, and painting has been my passion since childhood, and it still holds a special place in my heart. I absolutely adore the process of painting, pouring, and creating crafts.