How to Acrylic Paint on Demin Jeans: Tutorial
Acrylic paint applied correctly on jeans produces a bold, durable, and vivid design that is resistant to fading and cracking. Painted jeans create unique and personalized fashion that easily attracts attention. Trust me, you won’t regret trying it! 👍
There are a lot of techniques to apply acrylic paint on fabric, especially jeans. Including brush strokes, stenciling, sponging and more. Today we will explore the most popular technique among artists, which is brush strokes.

This article is a complete guide about how to apply domin jeans with acrylic paint. Including:
- Preparation
- Apply paint
- Heating and more….
So let’s jump in the article.
Can You Paint Demain Jeans with Acrylic?
Yes, acrylic paint is a perfect option for custom painting on jeans. The paint is long-lasting and water-resistant. However to ensure long-lasting protection you should use the right type of acrylic paint and mix it with a fabric medium.
According to artistsnetwork.com, Acrylic paint is versatile and compatible with all kinds of fabric (natural and synthetic) including jeans, so you can paint on any type of cloth regardless of fiber content. You get a more permanent and water-resistant artwork when working with acrylic paint. Once dry, you can wash your cloth outfits without fear of damaging the painting
How to Acrylic Paint on Demain Jeans: Step by Step Tutorial
Prepare the Demain Jeans
Step 1: Pre wash the jeans
Before applying paint you should wash the jeans. Remove any sizing or starch that can interfere with paint adhesion ability.
Step 2: Iron the jeans
After dry jeans, iron it. It will make a smooth and even surface for painting.
Step 3: Protection for the bottom side
When you paint on the upper side, there is a chance the paint liquid will affect the bottom side of the jeans. Place a cardboard or plastic sheet in the middle of the 2 parts.
Step 4: Cover the surrounding areas
You mustn’t paint the entire jeans – only the pocket. Accidents happen, and they can ruin everything. To prevent this, use tape to surround the area you want to paint.
Apply Base Coat
Step 1: Light sand for texture and distress look (optional)
You can sand lightly if you want a textured look. Also, sanding increases adhesion ability.
Step 2: Mix primer with fabric medium
Mixing fabric mediums make paint flexible and increase to prevent cracking. The mixing ratio 2 acrylic 1 medium.
Pro tip: Choose the appropriate base coat for the fabric and desired effect. Bright colors need white/light base, muted/vintage use darker base.
Step 3: Apply
Apply base coat with any flat paint brush. Brush strokes will be even and smooth. Apply a thin coat and multiple coats. Give a break of 10-20 minutes between coats.
Remember for final acrylic paint, the base coat should be dry completely.
Plan the Design
Without planning how you will get eye catching results? You can follow some tips gathering plans.
- You can sketch out the design on paper then directly onto the jeans with a pencil.
- If you are not able to sketch, you can buy premade stencils from Amazon.
- You can easily find painting inspiration from online examples like pinterest, YouTube, your favorite artist tutorial, blog and more.
Apply Paint
Step 1: Choose right paint
You need fabric compatible paint for this type of project. Here are some best acrylic paints and brushes for painting denim jeans.
Paint | material | Comment |
FolkArt Brush on Fabric Acrylic Paint | Paint | High pigmentation, smooth finish, washable, versatile use |
Tulip Soft Fabric Paint Kits | Paint | Easy to use and dries Fast, leaving a soft, flexible finish |
Royal & Langnickel Soft Grip Fabric Painting Brush Set | Brush | Good for low budget |
Winsor & Newton Galeria Filbert Long Handle Brush | Brush | Premium options |
Step 2: Apply paint
Best way to apply paint is thin and multiple layers. Each layer completely dries the applied layer. Use flat or sponge brush for a large area and small details brush for fine lines and details.
Keep in mind, be careful of hardware such as zippers and buttons, as applying paint nearby may result in stiffness or difficulty in operation.
Pro tips: little paint accidents are common. If you make a mistake, use damp clothes or a sponge to remove the paint before it dries completely.
Heat Settings
Heat-setting acrylic paint is important for fabric permanence. Paint can peel, crack, or wash out without it. Don’t skip this part.
Before heat settings ensure the paint is completely dry.
- Ensure protection of the painted surface by placing a pressing cloth or parchment paper over it. Don’t heat over paint directly, it causes paint to melt.
- Applying paint 30 – 120 seconds depending on paint thickness.
- After heating it is recommended to store jeans flat or folded because it avoids creasing and cracking the paint area.
Bottom line, time to go practice! That’s it.
Helpful video